Project Introduction

The full title of the project is: Creatively Reimagining Engagements with Data in Biology Learning Environments. It is a NSF CAREER project beginning August 1, 2023.

Project Credible aims to address the disconnect between students' data-intensive activities and their understanding of core science concepts. By integrating advances in cognitive science, data science, Bayesian data analysis, and science curricular standards, the project plans to offer practical tools and teaching strategies for high school biology teachers. The initiative involves a multi-year professional development program for 20 teachers, focusing on ecosystems-related core science ideas and local ecological phenomena. Collaboration with the Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont, an outdoor education center, is central to the program. It incorporates a specially designed statistical software tool to simplify Bayesian data analysis for high school students. The project includes a field experiment assessing teacher and student outcomes using quantitative and qualitative measures, with the goal of empowering both teachers and students in analyzing and interpreting scientific data effectively.


PI: Joshua Rosenberg
Graduate Students: Amanda Hendricks, Cody Pritchard


To be continued...